Finding Lyrics

The best method for finding a song when you are unsure of the title is to use the phrase search. If you are not looking for song lyrics, check resources.

Other Artists

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This archive includes almost every officially released Clapton song, so the vast majority of failed searches are for songs that aren't by Clapton. Foremost among these is More Than Words by Extreme. Other artists whose songs are occasionally mistaken for Clapton include Rod Stewart, Chris de Burgh, Dire Straits, Sting, Elton John and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

What's Missing

We are currently working on the Yardbirds album tracks and the Delaney & Bonnie album. Also unfinished are a few soundtracks and one-offs. If you're looking for one of those, our apologies.

The archive only includes songs released by Eric Clapton or one of his bands. It does not include songs where Clapton performed as a guest soloist or as part of an all-star jam.

If It's Not Here

We upload transcripts as soon as they are finished, so if a song is not here, we don't have a complete, accurate transcript. The other Clapton lyric sites we know of take their material from us. If a lyric is not here, you are unlikely to find it on the web.